June 19
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The US is now being hit from a place it never intended to be, said the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, noting that the previous and current U.S. presidents have dishonored their country more than before, Tasnim reports.

“The US is receiving a blow from a place it never expected. Today the two US presidents -the former and the current president- have joined hands to ruin whatever was left of the US reputation, and they're doing it. They are weakening the US, and this will continue,” the Leader said.

“Whenever the camp of truth enters the field to confront the camp of falsehood, the enemy makes miscalculations despite all its superficial, hollow power and splendor. The Army Air Force’s blow to the decaying body of the Pahlavi regime on February 8, 1979, was an example of this,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

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