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Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin considers the Izhevsk school shooting to be a terrorist act. It was allegedly committed by a neo-Nazi, reports MK. 

After the incident, Russian President Vladimir Putin contacted local authorities and medics. Neurosurgeons, psychologists and emergency planes were sent to the region.

"Tragic news from Izhevsk. President (Vladimir) Putin deeply grieves over the deaths of people and children at the school where a terrorist attack took place. It was committed by a person who appears to belong to a neo-fascist organization or group," Peskov said.

He said the Kremlin has received all the necessary data on what happened. All social issues will be resolved. He added that it is necessary to analyze the security measures taken in schools, just as it was done after, among other things, the shooting in the Kazan gymnasium.

"Unfortunately, such tragedies happen in other countries of the world as well. But this cannot be a reason for us to be complacent," Peskov said.

The shooting in Izhevsk school No. 88 took place on the morning of September 26. A former student of the school, Artem Kazantsev, broke into the building and shot 13 people. Among them, seven children were killed. Another 21 people were injured, including 14 students. The attacker committed suicide.

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