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Hraparak daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes as follows: Back at the end of last year, persistent rumors were being circulated that the CC [i.e. the ruling Civil Contract Party] authorities decided not to wait for the regular [parliamentary] elections, but wants to first change the Constitution and then hold snap elections before a new opposition is formed.

However, as a result of the calculations made by the authorities, the CC, according to the information we received, backed away from the idea of holding snap parliamentary elections, which they were discussing in a narrow circle in recent months.

The ruling [political] team came to the conclusion that winning [the elections] will be quite difficult, and these doubts crept into their hearts after the Yerevan Council of Elders’ elections. CC has no doubt that they will suffer almost the same fate in the national elections, so there is a need to go for regular [parliamentary] elections and use this two-year period to raise [their] rating.

According to a representative of the ruling team, perhaps this is also the reason for this anti-Russian hysteria and the virtual "trip" to Europe [by Armenian authorities]. After the loss of Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)], a large part of the RA population is disappointed with Russia, so an anti-Russian policy can raise rating.

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