June 20
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Past daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: (…) the Hayakve initiative had organized a big conference under the title "RA Declaration of Independence and the Vision of the National State." The initiators of the conference announced to start a series of actions, the goal of which, according to the coordinator of the movement, Avetik Chalabyan, is "to form a new, national power in the country, to set a clear, publicly understandable agenda for its activities, and to get our country out of this unprecedented security crisis."

In essence, this was also the first serious, organized, institutional movement against the new [PM Nikol] Pashinyan Constitution, on the occasion of which his satellites did not hesitate to splurge on various qualifications on official information platforms, betraying the fears of the authorities.

Realizing that his plans to change the Constitution are forming centers of serious resistance in Armenia, according to our information, Nikol Pashinyan instructed, at the last session of the [ruling] Civil Contract Party Board, to speak as little as possible publicly about the agenda for the adoption of a new Constitution. This is due also to the opinion polls presented to the ruling team, according to which the referendum [on changing the Constitution] may end with embarrassing results for the Pashinyan team.

Pashinyan has instructed his team to first of all weaken the centers of resistance—Hayakve, etc.—by throwing various qualifications about them into the field. It is clear that the organized and reasoned resistance against the Pashinyan power leaves little room for manipulations close to their hearts.

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