June 22
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Iranian authorities released on bail the last out of nine imprisoned UK Embassy employees in Tehran. The diplomats were detained late June, Reuters informs.

Nine Iranian employees of the UK Embassy to Iran were charged with inciting unrests after the presidential re-election in Tehran, June 12, 2009.

Eight out of nine imprisoned were released earlier, the ninth — UK Embassy's chief political analyst Hossein Rassam – was bailed the last. He was charged with instigating “actions threatening national security of the country”.

On Sunday, Reuters said that Rassam would be set free on a $100.000 bail. He was kept in Tehran Evin prison for three weeks.

Iran accused Great Britain and other Western states of interfering in Iran’s internal affairs after the June 12 presidential elections. Iranian local authorities arrested foreigners – also UK citizens – and expelled BBC correspondents.

Intelligence and National Security Service of Iran have prevented several terrorist acts planned for June 12 when presidential elections were in progress in Iran, RIA Novosti informed.

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