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YEREVAN. – Turkey's genocide denial policy is gradually exhausting itself, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said in his address to the fifth Armenia-Diaspora forum on Saturday.

“In 2015 we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. It will reconfirm Armenian people's will and determination to live and create in their homeland, will prove our unity, our consistency in making our goals come true. 2015 should be a year of serious political initiatives and achievements for Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity,” he said.

Next year Armenia expects to host a number of heads of states, President Sargsyan noted. 

Speaking about preparation for the 2015 events, the President said working groups in the regions, traditional parties, spiritual leaders and NGOs, as well as media are engaged in this work.

President emphasized that common sense makes people in Turkey doubt official Ankara's historiography, and thousands of Turks reject the official policy of genocide denial.

“Turkish officials have turned to new behavior, new practices that represent new policy of denying the Armenian Genocide, an improved and updated version,” he added.

Serzh Sargsyan recalled that he had repeatedly stated the only method to prevent crimes is recognition and condemnation of the historic events.

“We will continue to urge the Turkish government to put an end to the short-sighted policy of denial,  to refresh faded memory, to review the dark pages of history, to come to terms with the past and to recognize and condemn the crime, to clear their conscience and get rid of old burdens,” the Armenian leader said.

He offered to rename a committee dealing with preparation for the centennial of the Armenian Genocide to “Pan-Armenian Council” that will become one of the platforms where key problems will be discussed.






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