June 19
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YEREVAN. - No meeting will take place between Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents in near future.

Deputy Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly (NA), Eduard Sharmazanov, told the aforementioned to journalists after the Executive Body session of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Thursday.

“I can say that no such meeting is scheduled in near future. We’ll wait and see whether this will be possible in the future.”

The Deputy Speaker also noted that the Armenian side has its precise opinion which hasn’t and will not change.

“We have our precise opinion, which hasn’t changed: the arrangements reached in Vienna and St. Petersburg should be implemented. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan isn’t implementing these arrangements but ignoring them. It carried out a diversionary attempt; we had a victim on the border yesterday. I think the international community and first of all our honorable [OSCE Minsk Group] Co-Chairs must come up with targeted assessment and force Azerbaijan to respect the commitments taken up by it. We have a precise stance: the people of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) must be the blacksmiths of their own; NKR must be an independent state; it cannot be part of Azerbaijan under any status. Our position is the following: it’s not possible to go back into the past, thus we must move forward and ensure the international recognition of NKR,” he said.  

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