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President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated about disruption of the formation of the unified gas market of Belarus and Russia.

He drew attention to the fact that the issues of energy pricing, as the competitiveness of the Belarusian economy depends on it, in the implementation of joint programs, BelTA informs.

"Let me remind you, the Union program for the formation of a unified gas market provides specific measures and deadlines, which, unfortunately, in my opinion, have not been implemented. They are simply thwarted. Who is responsible for this and how shall we fix the situation?" Lukashenko wondered.

He also pointed out that the priority is given not only not so much to the price of energy, but to the equal conditions for economic entities of the two countries. "I think we have only one wish (not even a complaint, but a wish) to the Russian side: to create equal conditions for economic entities. It is important that gas and oil prices are not exorbitant under these equal conditions. But that is absolutely not the main thing. One might even say that it is not the main thing. The main thing is that the Russians and we must have equal prices for energy and other things we do. This is the main thing."

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