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Zhoghovurd newspaper of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: On October 21, 2022, after the opening of the Consulate General of Iran in Kapan [city of Armenia’s Syunik Province], according to the information of Zhoghovurd daily, the embassy of the RF [(Russian Federation)] in Armenia also expressed a similar wish. We were informed that it is about opening a consulate again in Syunik Province.

According to our information, Russia has told the authorities of the Republic of Armenia about this wish through various channels. Now there are discussions about how, after opening the Iranian consulate in Syunik, the [Armenian] authorities cannot allow strategic ally, the Russian Federation, to open a consulate in Syunik.

Zhoghovurd daily petitioned to the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs [(MFA)], with a request asking to clarify whether officially or unofficially the RF has petitioned to the RA with the matter of opening a consulate in Syunik. In response, the RA MFA informed: "The Republic of Armenia has not received an official proposal from the Russian Federation to open an RF consulate in Syunik Province."

Let us note that only the absence of a formal proposal is emphasized, whereas the exclusion of such talk informally is not in the MFA response.

Zhoghovurd daily could not get a comment from the RF embassy in the RA on this matter.

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