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Armenia is very important for Iran. The latter's Minister of Roads and Urban Development, Mehrdad Bazrpash, told this to reporters Monday in Yerevan.

"Armenia can play a key role within the framework of the North-South [road] corridor," he said.

According to the Iranian official, his country does not agree with the “Zangezur corridor” being circulated by Azerbaijan.

"We [Iran] have stated many times that we do not agree with the 'Zangezur Corridor,' and in meetings with various officials of Azerbaijan we have said that we are against it. Our policy is based on peace in the Caucasus, and we condemn any kind of foreign interference. We believe that the countries of the region will be able to make the best decisions themselves," Bazrpash emphasized.

According to him, Iran has always supported Armenia's territorial integrity and will continue to do so.

"The infrastructures that are being created between the two countries are aimed at stable peace between the neighboring countries," the Iranian minister added.

He reminded that recently an agreement was reached with Azerbaijan regarding the Araz corridor, which passes from Azerbaijan to Nakhichevan via Iran.

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