June 19
Show news feed

The US will officially transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as early as May 14, 2018, on the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Jewish state, Channel Ten reported quoting an official in Jerusalem.

According to the sources of the channel, the embassy will begin temporary work in Jerusalem’s district of Arnon, where the American consular complex is currently located, RIA Novosti reported.

As the channel notes, the embassy's relocation will take place much earlier than the previously announced term and will be completed by the end of 2019.

According to Channel 2, the US administration will officially announce a new date for the beginning of the embassy's relocation in the near future, “perhaps even today.”

President of the United States Donald Trump announced his intention to transfer the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem last December. Trump's decision caused riots among Palestinians and protests in several Arab countries.

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