June 06
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The Russian peacekeeping mission is making efforts in the negotiations to reopen the Lachin corridor. David Babayan, advisor to the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) President, told Armenian about this.

"The Russian peacekeeping mission is making efforts here. Let's see what developments will take place. There is nothing new at the moment. Since this corridor has an international status, of course it would be ideal if it were restored without any preconditions because this is the fulfillment of the provisions of the international agreement, it should be [re]opened unconditionally. Negotiations are ongoing, so far there is nothing new. Let's not push the processes forward, let's do everything to resume the work. We cannot elaborate on the details," said Babayan.

Earlier, Armenia’s opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan told reporters that the aforesaid negotiations were underway between Artsakh and Russia, as well as Russia and Azerbaijan.

A humanitarian cargo on Tuesday reached Artsakh capital Stepanakert via the Akna (Aghdam) road, and through the Russian Red Cross.



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