June 04
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We are told, "Why did you spend money on soldiers’ food?" But when people were coming to, entering military units, they were throwing candy, the soldiers, being scratched, were running after those candies. You should have shot yourself from that. Acting PM Nikol Pashinyan said this Monday during a rally with his supporters in Etchmiadzin town, addressing the former Armenian authorities.

According to Pashinyan, the army of a warring state was a subject of charity, and the soldiers’ parents sent the necessary items for their sons in military service. "Seventy-five to 80 percent of the weapons acquired took place during our rule. And how were you running the army? Your idea was that you should give businesses to the commanders, rob the soldiers’ parents, not give to the soldiers—starting with the soldiers' leave. The soldiers get about 2,000 drams; take that, too, from their hands! We have come, even doubled this small amount.

If you had kept in the last 20 years the pace of the one-third of what we did, we would have had a truly invincible army.

You have drank standing toast to the army for 20 years, then it turned out that you have stolen from the soldiers what was put on that table.

We are accused that, ‘You destroyed the state.’ We have inherited a lying state where there is a casing and there is no content because all civil servants were going to work in the morning not to serve the people, but to snatch. The entire state system—from the army to the courts—was ‘soaked’ in corruption; you know that," Pashinyan added.

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