June 05
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There is currently no arrangement on a new meeting between the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan announced at a press conference Tuesday

Answering the question about direct communication between the two parties, the Armenian FM confirmed its existence not only at a high level, but also "on the ground." And as an example of these contacts, Mirzoyan noted the process of transfer of proposals through the two foreign ministries and the arrangement for the transfer of 32 Armenian captives.

"However, the positive trend through the meetings did not continue. And based on [Azerbaijani President Ilham] Aliyev's [recent] statements, there was a complete regress—including regarding the agreements already reached; in particular, Aliyev's statements about the border delimitation, the use of new borders, and maps. Claims that the Azerbaijani forces will not leave the occupied territories of Armenia, which the work of the [border] delimitation commission anticipates. The same goes for [regional] unblocking. Nonetheless, Armenia remains committed to the peace agenda, and hopes that Azerbaijan will return to the constructive field," said Mirzoyan.

Referring to direct contacts, the FM said that the main thing for the Armenian side is the content, not the matter, especially since even now the meetings are organized indirectly, but the negotiations are conducted by the parties, and in general this issue is somewhat artificial.

Mirzoyan said that there was no new proposal for a meeting at the border, only such an idea was voiced by Azerbaijan. There is also no arrangement either regarding another meeting between the leaders or the foreign ministers of the two countries, he added.

Nevertheless, the risk of the escalation of regional tension is considered real by the Armenian FM, as evidenced by Aliyev's recent statements and territorial demands.

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